
Botox, Dysport, Xeomin or Jeuvveau?

Botox & Dysport…What is it used for and what age should I start? It might seem hard to imagine there was ever a time before Botox, but it is actually newer than you probably think. Botulinum toxin A has only been used for cosmetic purposes since 1996.  Over the course of its short history, Botox has become a household name. New applications have also been found for Botox in the cosmetic realm, from scalp injections to keep hair clean and styled longer, to foot injections to help avoid the pain associated with wearing high heels. Botox is used for treating areas of the face that are prone to developing lines and wrinkles from muscle activity.  Botox will typically last about 3-4 months, depending on the person and their activity level.  We find that people who workout a lot tend to need Botox / Dysport much sooner.  Immediately after the injections you can expect small bumps in the area that the Botox / Dysport was injected.  These small bumps will resolve in about 5-10 minutes as it is absorbed into the muscle. How long until it begins to work?  Botox will usually start working in 8-10 days, where Dysport will begin working in 3-4 days.  Xeomin and Jeuveau will typically take about a week to start working.  We recommend waiting at least 2 weeks before you see your final results. Which one will last the longest?  This is a very difficult question to answer, because there are many factors.  Some men have very strong muscles and may need more botox than others.  The more Botox, Dysport, Xeomin ect. that you put in, the longer it will typically last.  When you only use a small amount of Botox, Dysport the results tend to not last as long.  It is a very personal preference regarding how much Botox a person may want, and how much movement they want as well.  Too much Botox or Dysport may tend to have a negative effect by causing the eye lids to become droopy. What age should I begin Botox or Dysport?  This question should really be – How strong are the muscles?  I have women in their 50’s who have never had Botox or Dysport and they have no wrinkles.  I have women in their early 20’s already developing deep lines, so I goes to show age has nothing to do with it.  I generally recommend around 30 being a good age to start with a small amount.  Women doing Botox or Dsyport in their early 20’s as a means of prevention, I will recommend smaller doses at 6-9 months or even once a year.

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TruSculpt for Killing Fat !!

Some great new technology to hit the market with amazing results is… TruSculpt ID.  What is TruSculpt?  TruSculpt uses radio frequency and heat to destroy fat cells.  Fat can be destroyed with heat, cold or chemical injections such as Kybella.  Up until now Coolsculpting was the most well known non-surgical way to destroy fat.  The problems with Coolsculpting was that it could cause nerve damage and leave the area numb for a month.  Coolsculpting also would cause a lot of bruising after the treatment.  Trusculpt ID leaves no signs of treatment, and there is no downtime.  The radio frequency used with TruSculpt also helps tighten the skin, whereas Coolsculpting kills fat and leaves the skin loose.  Multiple treatments are great to get to the ideal body that you are looking for.  The best part is that the treatment is ONLY 15 minutes!

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Best Filler For Lip Injections?

After using every filler on the market in search of the holly grail, I have narrowed it down to only a couple of fillers.  I have injected every type of lip, with every type of filler, and we are talking about THOUSANDS of lips.  If you ever spend enough time on Instagram you will see all types of fillers being used to perform lip injections.  I will list the worst and best for lip injections- Starting with the WORST…Restylane wins hands down.  Unfortunately this filler is a very thin filler and looks great for a couple weeks, then say goodbye to those lips and you money.  Restylane is a great filler for people who do not like to do lip injections, or they are not good at lip injections.  Restylane is very pliable and corrects easily after any mistakes.  I have so many complaints, and people upset that they were pushed to use Restylane in the lips.  Restylane is sold as a “Natural and Soft” lip filler.  Unfortunately these injectors are heavily influenced by sales reps who have never touched a syringe, but regurgitate what their company tells them to say.   The second worst filler for lips would be Volbella, Vollure, or Belotero.  Again, these are too thin of fillers and break down extremely quickly.  These fillers do not hold their shape and are just too soft to last in a very animated area of the face.  The sad thing is I see many plastic surgeons using these fillers for lips… most likely because they are not good at doing lip injections.  These fillers should be reserved for other areas of the face, which they work very well in. My favorite is good old Juvederm Ultra XC.  Many years ago the drug reps told me to use Juvederm Ultra Plus XC in lips because “It lasts longer” which was not true.  Why did the rep want me to inject Ultra Plus???  Because it cost more.  Unfortunately now both Ultra and Ultra Plus are the same cost to buy.  Juvederm Ultra lasts about 6-12 months.  This filler will have a stiffer fell for the first 3-4 weeks until it softens.  We have had patients lip filler last Juvederm last 2-3 years!!! A new filler on the market as of today is Restylane Kysse.  So far we have heard good things about this filler, but we have not injected enough to know its true potential.  This filler has a much smaller needle (which generally means it is not a thick filler) which makes it much less painful for patients getting their lips done. These views on fillers are strictly our own point view, and the findings are after thousands of lip injections performed.

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When injecting Botox, you can not inject everyone the same way.  Muscles vary in location from one person to the next.  Having a trained injector who has a great deal of knowledge about the facial muscles will make your Botox come out much better.  When doing an assessment of a person’s facial muscles it is best to have them make different facial expressions to evaluate the muscles. When going to a new place, it is important to know what you want and what you don’t want.  Many places work on commission and will try and up sell you on more Botox than you may even need.  The problem is, when you have too much Botox it can cause the forehead to get very heavy and make the eyelids droopy.  If you don’t get enough injected you will still have a lot of movement and the lines will never go away.  The other problem with treating sub-therapeutically, or placing too small of an amount is that it will not last very long. Typically for the forehead I find the sweet spot to be 30 units of Botox or 60 units of Dysport.  Around the eyes can be a tricky place to inject because it is the highest rate of bruising associated with this area.  Blood vessels are very difficult to see around the eyes and it is a very tender area.  If you place too much Botox around the eyes it will effect the way you smile.

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Botox is a great way to help reduce and eliminate wrinkles and fine lines.  I typically recommend starting Botox when you start to see fine lines in the forehead or around the eyes.  When adding Botox into your routine of anti-aging the benefits will pay off greatly down the road.  Many people ask what a good age to begin Botox?  Unfortunately there is no right answer since everyone has different types of muscle strengths.  I have had clients as young as 20 begin Botox, and other women starting at the age of 45.  When getting Botox for “preventative” measures, I generally let people know they need a smaller amount and not as frequent.  The best idea is to have a consult to determine whether Botox is right for you. Dangers of Botox… When injected incorrectly, Botox can cause a “Droopy eye” or when injected inside the orbital rim it can migrate into the muscles that move the eye causing a lazy eye.  I have personally injected hundreds of thousands of Botox units and have never had any serious problems.  The good thing is that Botox is not permanent and will wear off in 3-6 months.  I always encourage people to do their research before undergoing any type of cosmetic procedure.  There are plenty of good injectors, but finding the one you like can take time, so be patient and do your homework.

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Fibroblast Skin Tightening

Fibroblast skin tightening has become a hot new trend in 2018 for achieving permanent, long lasting results.  Fibroblast has been very popular in Europe and Canada, and now made its way into the US.  Fibroblast creates small currents of plasma energy to burn off a small portion of the skin, causing a reaction that tightens the skin.  The plasma energy stimulates the small fibroblast cells to produce more collagen and tighten up the skin. During the procedure, you are first numbed with a topical numbing cream to decrease the amount of pain.   Depending on the size of the area being treated, the procedure may take 20-30 minutes.   We generally suggest to split up big areas to allow swelling to resolve.  Areas you can treat would include upper eye lid, lower eyelid, face, labia, stomach, stretch marks, jowls, and much more. The downtime is about 5-7 days where you will have small dots from the device creating small burn marks.  These spots will scab up and flake off in about a week.  We recommend not picking at them or scratching them off since this may cause scars or hyperpigmentation. This is a fantastic new procedure that offers long lasting results.

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Non-Surgical Blepharoplasty

We are the only medical facility to offer a Non-Surgical blepharoplasty.  A surgical blepharoplasty removes excess skin from the upper eyelid when it is interfering and hanging over the eye. A non-surgical approach to a blepharoplasty is to use a small hand help device to perform “Fibroblast Skin Tightening”.  Glo Medspa is the ONLY place in all of Arizona to perform this procedure. The upper and lower eyelid can be corrected by performing a series of small burns with a plasma laser to tighten the skin.  Results are permanent, and there is very minimal downtime associated with this procedure.  There will be small marks on the eyelid that will flake off after 5-7 days. This treatment can also be used on any other past of the body to help tighten loose skin.  This is great for stretch marks, crepey skin on the face, sleep lines, neck, arms, knees, stomach.

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PDO Threadlift

Glo Medspa has been performing the PDO facial threadlift for over 2 years, and was the first in Arizona to offer this service.  We have seen many other medical facilities that have attempted to perform this procedure, but the results were very poor.  A few things I highly recommend before having this procedure performed.  First I highly recommend that you ask the person performing injections for “Before & After” photos.  Many medical professionals try and use 3 or maybe 4 threads to lift the face. Complications – Unfortunately when you only use 3-4 threads, the results are not the best.  The reason clinicians will use only 3-4 threads is to save money.  A few complications I have seen from other facilities are threads that are poking out, or threads coming out of the mouth.  When a thread is poking out against the skin, it means the thread was placed too shallow.  When a thread protrudes into the mouth, that means it was placed too deep.  There are other complications such as puckering or buckling that may resolve on it’s own.  Threads can also slip out of place or even break. Facial threading is a great alternative to a face lift if you are a candidate.  PDO threads will last up to 18 months and then slowly breakdown and are absorbed by the body.  The best thing about threads are that they appear very natural and reduce the amount of dermal fillers by over 50%.  There is generally no downtime with this procedure, but swelling can be expected for 4-5 days and tenderness for 2 weeks.

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Bellafill is a great filler that will last for 10 years!!  For many people are tired of getting juvederm injections every year, here is a new option…Bellafill.  Bellafill is used in the same manner as a traditional dermal filler to help plump up areas and get rid of deep lines.  Bellafill is also great for filling in acne scars as well.  Bellafill is a collagen based product that also has small spheres to plump up and create new collagen. Belafill is great for areas such as the nasolabial lines (laugh lines), marionette lines, and cheeks.  Bellafill should never be used under the eyes or in the lips.  This filler will end up lasting longer than anything else on the market and save you money in the long run.  Over a period of 10 years, traditional juvederm fillers will cost you $2500-5000, whereas Bellafill will cost you around $1000.

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Botox is a great medication to use to prevent wrinkles from forming or to help reverse the signs of aging.  When I see a client for the first time for Botox, I generally like to start off on the more conservative end of treatment.  I always stress that you can add more, but you can never take it out.  Botox will typically last you 3-4 months.  When doing Botox for preventative actions, I suggest having injections every 6-12 months.  For women who want to turn back time, every 3-4 months is going to be a good amount of time.  If Botox is not lasting at least 3 months, the person injecting it may be using a small amount or have poor technique.  Sometimes Botox can be over diluted (watered down) which will require more units to effectively work and will end up costing you more money.

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