
When injecting Botox, you can not inject everyone the same way.  Muscles vary in location from one person to the next.  Having a trained injector who has a great deal of knowledge about the facial muscles will make your Botox come out much better.  When doing an assessment of a person’s facial muscles it is best to have them make different facial expressions to evaluate the muscles.

When going to a new place, it is important to know what you want and what you don’t want.  Many places work on commission and will try and up sell you on more Botox than you may even need.  The problem is, when you have too much Botox it can cause the forehead to get very heavy and make the eyelids droopy.  If you don’t get enough injected you will still have a lot of movement and the lines will never go away.  The other problem with treating sub-therapeutically, or placing too small of an amount is that it will not last very long.

Typically for the forehead I find the sweet spot to be 30 units of Botox or 60 units of Dysport.  Around the eyes can be a tricky place to inject because it is the highest rate of bruising associated with this area.  Blood vessels are very difficult to see around the eyes and it is a very tender area.  If you place too much Botox around the eyes it will effect the way you smile.

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