
Botox or Dysport

The question for years has been which is better, Botox or Dysport?  A lot of this depends on what your trying to accomplish.  Botox is a very well known brand and does a great job.  Dysport has been out for about 8 or so years and also does a great job, but not as well known as Botox.  The molecular structure of each is slightly different.  Botox has a small extra protein strand attached to it that Dysport does not have. Dysport will tend to have a faster onset (the time it takes to kick in) where as Botox will take about 5-7 days.  The length of time the both last has been argued, but they should both last about 3-4 months.  I do have a few clients that Botox will last up to 6 months on.  I highly recommend trying both and seeing which one will last longer for you, which will save you money in the long run. At the end of the day, Dysport will end up saving you more money, but there are some people who simply respond better to Botox.  Both do the exact same thing in the end.

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Earlobe Filler (rejuvenation)

We all know about filling our lips and cheeks with “fillers”, but now there are more options to maintain that youthful look.  People are now learning that they can put filler, such as Juvederm, in their ear lobes to help plump them up.  By filling and plumping the ear lobes, they can support the weight of ear rings much better. Many times people focus on the face and forget about everything else that helps a woman to look young.  I always suggest to look at the hands, neck and chest…and ear lobes.  Looking as young as you feel is an ongoing process, and can get expensive.  Fortunately, things such as fillers in the hands and ear lobes tend to last anywhere from 1-2 or 3 years.

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Juvederm or Botox?

Many times people who are new to having procedures done are not familiar with terminology used.  I many times hear people ask for Botox to be placed in the nasolabial folds “Laugh Lines”.  An easy way to remember the difference is that fillers like Juvederm “Fill In” low spots or wrinkles.  Botox works on the muscle to help it not move.  Botox does not paralyze the muscle, but rather weakens it so that it does not temporarily not move.  Botox typically comes in units whereas Juvederm and fillers come in a pre-filled syringe.  Juvederm is a gel like substance, and Botox is a fine powder until mixed with sodium chloride to reconstitute it.  Can you “water down” juvederm or fillers?  Absolutely not.  I have read about people thinking they are getting scammed on juvederm by someone watering it down…impossible.  Can Botox be over diluted and “watered down”…yes!  In my own personal opinion I don’t feel it is morally right to cheat someone out of something if they paid for it, but other shady med spas have no problem doing it.  How do you know if it is watered down?  It is extremely difficult to determine if Botox is over diluted, unless your the one doing it.  This is why it is so important to deal with a reputable office.  A few times I have treated people and they said it didn’t work completely, so I re-treat them at no charge.  Do your homework and find a great place to go, and more importantly people you trust.  I always recommend Yelp for honest reviews or Google+.

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The Difference Between Botox & Juvederm

Many times I am asked the difference between Botox and Juvederm.   With so many names of different products out there it can be hard to figure out what goes where.  I always recommend coming in for a consultation first, because there may be a primary issue that solves a secondary issue. Botox, Dysport & Xeomin are neurotoxins that work with the muscle to block impulses to the muscle that cause it to move.  Most times Botox is used between the eye brows, forehead, and crow’s feet (around the eyes).  Botox will typically last 3-4 months.  For many women in their early 20’s using botox for preventative measures I recommend every 6  to 12 months.  For women looking to reverse the signs of aging I recommend Botox every 3-4 months.  Botox typically will take about a week to start seeing the results, so be patient.  Dysport will typically start working in 3-4 days.  Dyport is a smaller molecule than Botox and theoretically should not last as long as Botox, but there are always people who get the opposite effect.    I have stopped using Xeomin due to the short duration it works. Juvederm, Restylane, Voluma, ect…are all “Fillers” or “Dermal Fillers” which is a broad term.  The main purpose of “Fillers” is to plump up and fill in lines and add volume.  A common area for volume deficit is in the cheek area under the eyes.  Juvederm is what I typically use in the lips for lip augmentation.  I have tried in the lips Belotero, Restylane, Voluma, Volbella, Juvederm and I find Juvederm lasts the longest.  The worst thing to place in the lips is Restylane, due to the small molecular size it breaks down very quickly.  You will find inexperienced injectors will use Restylane because it allows a lot of room for error.  With fillers, simply think of “Plumping up” areas or filling in cracks and lines.  With so many different dermal fillers, I highly recommend a consultation first.

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Forma- Neck & Face Tightening

Have you ever wondered if you can tighten your neck and face with no downtime?  There is a new machine on the market called “Forma” which uses radio frequency and heat to help tighten the skin on the face and neck.  How it works is by passing a specific frequency down through the skin to help tighten up the elastin fibers and collagen to produce a tightening effect.  Over time as we age, the elastin fibers relax which lead to loose skin.  By passing a frequency down through the fibers, it helps to tighten these specific fibers and produce tighter skin.  This machine will not produce collagen, so I recommend a good dermal filler to add volume to areas deficient in volume. The Forma is completely painless, and you may actually fall asleep during the procedure.  Results can typically be seen after 3 treatments, and 6 treatments is what I generally recommend.  I recommend this for the mid-face to jaw line area, and the neck.  Other places people use the Forma are for above the knees and arm areas.

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What age to start Botox?

What is a good age to start doing botox?  This is a common question I get, but unfortunately there is no right answer.  I have clients as young as 19-20 incorporating botox into their skin care regimen.  At this age I typically evaluate muscle strength and fine lines that are visible at rest.  I have seen some very strong muscles, typically between the brows, that contribute to the deep “11’s”.  Many people may think that 20 is too young, but we must remember that Botox was not around and available for most of us growing up. So what is my answer to “What is the best age”?  I typically say 30 years of age is a good time to begin a good skin care routine.  I like to encourage simple routines at this age such as a good cleanser for washing your face, a weekly facial scrub, and a good moisturizer.  I have had great results with the IS Clinical line of skin care products.  When I choose a skin care line, I look at what produces good results, not what the hip cool trends are.  IS Clinical is a great medical grade line that has a good price point for everyone.  Many of the brands like Jan Marini are good, but over priced in my own opinion and don’t deliver the results I like to see with my clients. Juvederm and fillers I usually see women closer to 35 starting to use these to turn back time.  Fillers are a great way to soften up laugh lines, marionette lines and fill the line between the brows.  Voluma and Radiesse are great for restoring volume back into the cheek areas.  Juvederm fillers can usually help you look 5 years younger or more. Lip filler…I have had as young as 17 years old getting their lips filled.  Lips are a whole other area where age does not really apply.  Kylie Jenner is one of the youngest and most influential personalities to create the sexy lips craze.  Big sexy lips are defiantly the most popular right now, and are by far my favorite to do.

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eMatrix – Sublative fractional skin resurfacing

There are a few things to help you looking young, and the eMatrix is one of my top picks.  I always like to try new things each month to maintain great looking skin.  Botox of course is the fountain of youth , but recently I tried our new eMatrix machine around the eyes and I was blown away. The eMatrix is a sublative radiofrequency machine that delivers a fractional energy into a small grid pattern.  The eMatrix delivers an area of microscopic zones that penetrate into the epidermis and dermis and are  thermally ablative.  What does this mean in simple terms??  The ablative frequency goes down into the skin and causes a healing phase to begin after the sublative fractionated  frequency disturbs the tissue.  This in turn causes the body to repair itself and create more collagen, giving you wrinkle free skin! Who can benefit from this treatment?  Anyone with moderate to severe acne scars, stretch marks, wrinkles and fine lines.  There is 4-6 weeks between treatments to allow your skin to recover.  Each treatment takes only 20-30 minutes and is great for ALL skin types.  I  recommend 3-5 treatments for best results.  Trust me… You will LOVE the eMatrix!!

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