surgery - GLO MEDSPA



Fractora is a great non-invasive skin renovation without surgery.  Fractora is a subdermal tissue coagulation device that bridges the gap between fractional lasers and surgical procedures.  This is NOT a laser treatment.  Fractora has multiple functions such as helping to even out skin texture and improve collagen production.  Fractora is great for removing fine lines and wrinkles, cystic acne, scars, eliminate hyperhydrosis (excessive sweating), skin tightening, and stretch marks. Treatments with Fractora will not cause damage to the epidermis which typically leads to Post inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH) as most other lasers will.  Another amazing benefit is that Fractora can be used on darker skin types, which traditionally are not candidates for many laser treatments.

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PDO Threading For Face

PDO facial threading has become very popular in the last few years.  The reason people like it so much is that it is a minimally invasive procedure that helps lift sagging jowls, tighten the skin, lift the neck, plump up the cheeks and create new collagen.  Some results are much better than others, mostly due to technique. I have taken the basic technique I learned and have modified it to get astounding results that last.  I have redone other peoples facial thread lifts due to poor placement and technique.  Another issue that arises that may result in poor results is the use of too few threads being placed.  Many times I see people try and get by with only using 3 or 4 threads to lift a whole face.  Unfortunately that is not enough to get great results.  Generally I will use 8-10 threads per side, and the results will last 18-24 months. Just remember that results depend on technique.

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So we all read articles and see things on TV about botched procedure in surgery and the cosmetic world.  In fact we are fascinated by other peoples mistakes that we created a reality show based solely on it.    In the area I deal with, which is all non-invasive injectables I have seen my far share of “botched” jobs.  I hate to say it but dermatologist rank the highest for the botched jobs I have had to correct.  Are they great at other things…sure, so lets let them practice what they are great at and keep them away from the face.  In the time I have been doing injections, I have seen everyone getting in on the game of fillers and botox.  In Scottsdale there is such a high demand to look and feel great, so everyone is trying to get in on the game. What you need to know is that if you can easily get in for a “same day appointment” they are most likely not who you should go to for advanced procedures.  I am typically booked out 2 weeks for fillers and all advanced injections, unless I get a last minute cancellation.  Remember that your face is hard to hide, and you get what you pay for.  I find it difficult to treat people who hop from one Groupon to the next, because I can never get an accurate sense of what injections have been done.  Establish yourself with someone you trust so that you can make changes to your treatment to achieve the best possible outcomes. Fillers like Juvederm and Restylane can easily be dissolved.  Radiesse can also be dissolved.  Botox…sorry, but it will have to wear off in 3-4 months.

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PDO Facial Threading

PDO (Polydioxanone) threads have been around for about 10 years.  Many people refer to the use of PDO facial threading as “mini face lift”.  The PDO threads are made of the same material that is used for surgical procedures such as open heart surgery.  These are specially made sutures that have small fine barbs on them to anchor them into place.  There are several different types of threads for different types of applications.  Some are smooth, barbed or twist depending on the results you are trying to achieve. In my practice I use a majority of barbed threads for lifting the facial tissue and giving people a more youthful appearance.  Results can vary widely depending on the skill level of the person performing the procedure and the amount of threads being placed.  I have found that the more threads that are used, the better the results will be. The procedure itself is not painful.  I typically like to inject the area with a small local anesthetic at the place of insertion.  under the skin is numbed to help with patient comfort.  The cannula are placed under the skin to place the thread.  The thread is placed in the proper position and the cannula is removed.  The thread then trimmed and slips under the skin and not visible.   The procedure takes about 45 – 60 minutes.

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Earlobe Filler (rejuvenation)

We all know about filling our lips and cheeks with “fillers”, but now there are more options to maintain that youthful look.  People are now learning that they can put filler, such as Juvederm, in their ear lobes to help plump them up.  By filling and plumping the ear lobes, they can support the weight of ear rings much better. Many times people focus on the face and forget about everything else that helps a woman to look young.  I always suggest to look at the hands, neck and chest…and ear lobes.  Looking as young as you feel is an ongoing process, and can get expensive.  Fortunately, things such as fillers in the hands and ear lobes tend to last anywhere from 1-2 or 3 years.

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What type of filler should I use??

A common question I get is… What is a good filler for my lips?  Companies put a lot of money into marketing new products and creating a “Buzz”.  I can honestly say that I have tried every filler out on the market, with the exception of Radiesse (which will cause granulomas) in the lips.  I have tried Voluma thinking that the larger molecule and G-prime would make it last longer, but no such luck.  I have tried Volbella, Belotero, Volure, Juvederm ultra, Juvederm ultra plus, Restylane and none of them lasted very long.  Restylane is by far THE WORST choice for lip filler.  The problem is that it is a very small molecule and spreads out too thin.  Many inexperienced people like Restylane because it is very forgiving if they make a mistake. In the past I used Juvederm Ultra Plus XC, because the drug reps at Allergan told me it is better than regular old Juvederm Ultra.  Guess what…Juvederm Ultra lasts longer.  Why did Allergan tell me to buy more Juvederm Ultra Plus?  Because it is more expensive! I have tried EVERYTHING in my years of injecting and I keep coming back to Juvederm Ultra XC.  Juvederm Ultra is a little stiffer feeling as you inject than Ultra Plus XC.  I have heard that there are some great products in Canada that will be coming down to the US for lips that last a very long time.  I will keep you posted if anything better comes onto the market.

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Mini Facelift – PDO Facial Threading

In facial threading, I am basically the ONLY one in all of Arizona that does PDO Facial Threading…and has amazing results!!  I have been seeing a few places try and attempt facial threading in the state of Arizona, but the results are just very poor.  The training they received was very inadequate and patients were not happy with the results. I have been performing facial thread lifts for a year now and get really astounding results.  Of all the people I have performed this procedure on, not one person has been disappointed.  I honestly would say that I get better results than the plastic surgeon who I learned from. PDO is an abbreviation for ” Polydioxanone  ” which are sutures that dissolve slowly over time.  The number of threads that are placed in the mid-face and lower face depend on the amount of sagging in the jowl.  These threads are placed under the skin and slowly start to build up new collagen .  The great thing about threads is that it will reduce the amount of fillers needed in the face.  Having fewer fillers in the face will give you a more “Natural” look.  I will typically follow up in 2 weeks with my patients to place any additional threads.  Results will look better over the following weeks after the procedure. This procedure will last you about 2 years, and has very minimal pain and rarely any bruising.  The face will feel tight for about 5-7 days following the procedure.   This is one of the latest cutting edge procedures that can take years off your face, and has no real downtime.

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Affordable Mini Face Lift

There are so many new options out there, that getting a face-lift is no longer the only solution to look younger.  Many people are using dermal fillers such as Juvederm, Voluma, Volbella, Restylane, Radiesse to achieve a youthful appearance.   Dermal fillers a great and I love them, but many times over use of fillers in the face can lead to a “moon face” that is big and round with no defined shape. The PDO thread lift is also known as the “Mini Face-Lift”.  This procedure takes about 1 hour and will rid your face of those jowls and tighten you up.  A cannula with a suture is placed under the skin into the soft tissue.  The suture has fine barbs on it that anchor it into the tissue.  The cannula is removed and the suture stays in place.  The suture will very slowly dissolve over a period of 1-2 years depending on the size of the “thread” suture.   There is no “bunched up” skin by the ear and it is very soft and natural looking.  This is a very highly skilled procedure and should only be performed by trained and certified professionals.  We perform the most PDO thread lifts in all of Arizona and are highest rated!

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Vaginal Rejuvination

After having children, you may experience some vaginal laxity.  Other women suffer from stress urinary incontinence.  The good news is that there is a fix for that!  The Femilift helps increase sexual stimulation of the vagina, as well as increase the moisture of the vagina while having intercourse.  Many post menopausal women suffer from dryness in the vagina resulting in painful intercourse.  Many other women, as much as 50%, suffer from stress urinary incontinence.  Urinary incontinence is when you may sneeze or cough and a little bit of urine escapes and come out of the bladder.  The Femilift helps tighten and support the bladder leakage from happening.  The Femilift will also tighten the vagina after having children.  The Femilift is also great for labia reduction. The Femilift consists of 3 treatments that are spaced 1 month apart.  After the treatment you may have some spotting, so we recommend wearing a maxi pad for a few days after.  After the treatment we recommend no sexual intercourse for 3 days as well as no tampons.

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eMatrix – Sublative fractional skin resurfacing

There are a few things to help you looking young, and the eMatrix is one of my top picks.  I always like to try new things each month to maintain great looking skin.  Botox of course is the fountain of youth , but recently I tried our new eMatrix machine around the eyes and I was blown away. The eMatrix is a sublative radiofrequency machine that delivers a fractional energy into a small grid pattern.  The eMatrix delivers an area of microscopic zones that penetrate into the epidermis and dermis and are  thermally ablative.  What does this mean in simple terms??  The ablative frequency goes down into the skin and causes a healing phase to begin after the sublative fractionated  frequency disturbs the tissue.  This in turn causes the body to repair itself and create more collagen, giving you wrinkle free skin! Who can benefit from this treatment?  Anyone with moderate to severe acne scars, stretch marks, wrinkles and fine lines.  There is 4-6 weeks between treatments to allow your skin to recover.  Each treatment takes only 20-30 minutes and is great for ALL skin types.  I  recommend 3-5 treatments for best results.  Trust me… You will LOVE the eMatrix!!

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