
Laser hair removal

There are many types of different laser hair removal places out there, but which one is the best?  I can honestly tell you that corporate run medical spas will over charge you.  If you are paying $5000 for laser hair on your legs, your getting ripped off.  If you are paying for a Groupon, your probably getting ripped off.  I few tips for getting the most for your money… IPL laser hair removal is a total waste of your time and it will do nothing!  They love to market this type of hair removal as “Painless”.  It is painless because it does not work.  You need to be looking for a newer machine that is no older than 5 years old.  Technology in this industry changes so rapidly that better lasers come out every couple of years.  You also want to have the energy level turned up each time, if you can tolerate the pain since you will get better results.  If you do your laser hair at the same energy level every time it will not do anything.  Shave before your treatment, and do not wax.  When you wax the hair is removed and leave nothing for the laser to detect.  If you wax before laser treatments you will not get results and be wasting your money. I hope these tips help you get the best bang for your buck!!

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Botox or Dysport

The question for years has been which is better, Botox or Dysport?  A lot of this depends on what your trying to accomplish.  Botox is a very well known brand and does a great job.  Dysport has been out for about 8 or so years and also does a great job, but not as well known as Botox.  The molecular structure of each is slightly different.  Botox has a small extra protein strand attached to it that Dysport does not have. Dysport will tend to have a faster onset (the time it takes to kick in) where as Botox will take about 5-7 days.  The length of time the both last has been argued, but they should both last about 3-4 months.  I do have a few clients that Botox will last up to 6 months on.  I highly recommend trying both and seeing which one will last longer for you, which will save you money in the long run. At the end of the day, Dysport will end up saving you more money, but there are some people who simply respond better to Botox.  Both do the exact same thing in the end.

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Restylane Defyne – New Lip Filler

For many years I was using Juvederm Ultra XC for doing lip augmentation.  I recently started using Restylane Defyne and I have really been liking it.  The feel of it from an injecting standpoint is semi-firm which I like.  Many fillers I have used in the past are too soft and do not hold the shape very well.  I have been switching a lot of my clients over to this product and seeing the results last longer as well.  I have been getting closer to 12 months with this new filler. The only thing I do not like is the cost.  The price Galderma charges for this product is a bit higher which is discouraging, because then I have to charge more.  I have always tried to find the best products for the best prices which will last the longest.  If you have not yet tried Restylane Defyne, I think you will be impressed with the results.

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Affordable Mini Face Lift

There are so many new options out there, that getting a face-lift is no longer the only solution to look younger.  Many people are using dermal fillers such as Juvederm, Voluma, Volbella, Restylane, Radiesse to achieve a youthful appearance.   Dermal fillers a great and I love them, but many times over use of fillers in the face can lead to a “moon face” that is big and round with no defined shape. The PDO thread lift is also known as the “Mini Face-Lift”.  This procedure takes about 1 hour and will rid your face of those jowls and tighten you up.  A cannula with a suture is placed under the skin into the soft tissue.  The suture has fine barbs on it that anchor it into the tissue.  The cannula is removed and the suture stays in place.  The suture will very slowly dissolve over a period of 1-2 years depending on the size of the “thread” suture.   There is no “bunched up” skin by the ear and it is very soft and natural looking.  This is a very highly skilled procedure and should only be performed by trained and certified professionals.  We perform the most PDO thread lifts in all of Arizona and are highest rated!

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eMatrix – Sublative fractional skin resurfacing

There are a few things to help you looking young, and the eMatrix is one of my top picks.  I always like to try new things each month to maintain great looking skin.  Botox of course is the fountain of youth , but recently I tried our new eMatrix machine around the eyes and I was blown away. The eMatrix is a sublative radiofrequency machine that delivers a fractional energy into a small grid pattern.  The eMatrix delivers an area of microscopic zones that penetrate into the epidermis and dermis and are  thermally ablative.  What does this mean in simple terms??  The ablative frequency goes down into the skin and causes a healing phase to begin after the sublative fractionated  frequency disturbs the tissue.  This in turn causes the body to repair itself and create more collagen, giving you wrinkle free skin! Who can benefit from this treatment?  Anyone with moderate to severe acne scars, stretch marks, wrinkles and fine lines.  There is 4-6 weeks between treatments to allow your skin to recover.  Each treatment takes only 20-30 minutes and is great for ALL skin types.  I  recommend 3-5 treatments for best results.  Trust me… You will LOVE the eMatrix!!

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