
Restylane Defyne – New Lip Filler

For many years I was using Juvederm Ultra XC for doing lip augmentation.  I recently started using Restylane Defyne and I have really been liking it.  The feel of it from an injecting standpoint is semi-firm which I like.  Many fillers I have used in the past are too soft and do not hold the shape very well.  I have been switching a lot of my clients over to this product and seeing the results last longer as well.  I have been getting closer to 12 months with this new filler. The only thing I do not like is the cost.  The price Galderma charges for this product is a bit higher which is discouraging, because then I have to charge more.  I have always tried to find the best products for the best prices which will last the longest.  If you have not yet tried Restylane Defyne, I think you will be impressed with the results.

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PRP Injections

PRP is quickly becoming very popular for the great results it produces.  PRP as we are finding out is great at helping the body to repair itself and heal.  So what is PRP?? PRP is an abbreviation for “Platelet Rich Plasma”.   In the past, PRP has been used to treat injuries such as injured ligaments and tendons.  Some places of the body have a better success rate than other areas.   PRP is collected when the person has blood drawn and then spun down in what is called a centrifuge.  The centrifuge separates the different parts of blood, and allows for the red blood cells to settle at the bottom since they are larger and heavier.   Sometimes a large amount of blood may be required, since the actual PRP is such a small portion of the blood.  The larger clear area called “PPP” or Platelet Poor Plasma is many times used by inexperienced people who do not actually know what true PRP is.  True PRP holds all the rich stem cells and growth factors that help create new tissue.  PRP has become extremely popular recently in the aesthetic world.  Finding the proper person to inject or microneedle the PRP can sometimes be tricky since everyone is jumping on the band wagon. PRP can be used to help regrow thicker and stronger hair and build up more collagen in the face.  Some other interesting areas PRP is being injected is the penis, the vagina, and the clitoris to enhance sexual intercourse and provide intense orgasms.

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eMatrix – Sublative fractional skin resurfacing

There are a few things to help you looking young, and the eMatrix is one of my top picks.  I always like to try new things each month to maintain great looking skin.  Botox of course is the fountain of youth , but recently I tried our new eMatrix machine around the eyes and I was blown away. The eMatrix is a sublative radiofrequency machine that delivers a fractional energy into a small grid pattern.  The eMatrix delivers an area of microscopic zones that penetrate into the epidermis and dermis and are  thermally ablative.  What does this mean in simple terms??  The ablative frequency goes down into the skin and causes a healing phase to begin after the sublative fractionated  frequency disturbs the tissue.  This in turn causes the body to repair itself and create more collagen, giving you wrinkle free skin! Who can benefit from this treatment?  Anyone with moderate to severe acne scars, stretch marks, wrinkles and fine lines.  There is 4-6 weeks between treatments to allow your skin to recover.  Each treatment takes only 20-30 minutes and is great for ALL skin types.  I  recommend 3-5 treatments for best results.  Trust me… You will LOVE the eMatrix!!

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