
Will I bruise with Botox

When doing Botox, it is hard to say if you will bruise.  There area areas that have a higher tendency to bruise, such as around the eyes.  There area a few things that will help reduce the chances of bruising, but there is never 100% chance of not bruising.  Many times it depends on the injector, whether they are aggressive with the needle, or do they take their time to look for blood vessels.  Things you can do to help reduce your chances of bruising are – Arnica Montana is a great homeopathic drug sold over the counter.  I typically recommend starting Arnica 3-4 days before injections.  Avoiding alcohol for a couple days before any injections will also help keep your blood from getting too thin.  Do not apply numbing cream to the area where you are getting injections.  Numbing cream causes the blood vessels to become dilated and puts you at a higher risk.  Ice before hand can help, but I never recommend ice after Botox, because it will interfere with the absorption.  If you get a really bad bruise, IPL laser can help break down the blood and help it heal much quicker.

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Botox is a great way to help reduce and eliminate wrinkles and fine lines.  I typically recommend starting Botox when you start to see fine lines in the forehead or around the eyes.  When adding Botox into your routine of anti-aging the benefits will pay off greatly down the road.  Many people ask what a good age to begin Botox?  Unfortunately there is no right answer since everyone has different types of muscle strengths.  I have had clients as young as 20 begin Botox, and other women starting at the age of 45.  When getting Botox for “preventative” measures, I generally let people know they need a smaller amount and not as frequent.  The best idea is to have a consult to determine whether Botox is right for you. Dangers of Botox… When injected incorrectly, Botox can cause a “Droopy eye” or when injected inside the orbital rim it can migrate into the muscles that move the eye causing a lazy eye.  I have personally injected hundreds of thousands of Botox units and have never had any serious problems.  The good thing is that Botox is not permanent and will wear off in 3-6 months.  I always encourage people to do their research before undergoing any type of cosmetic procedure.  There are plenty of good injectors, but finding the one you like can take time, so be patient and do your homework.

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Botox is a great medication to use to prevent wrinkles from forming or to help reverse the signs of aging.  When I see a client for the first time for Botox, I generally like to start off on the more conservative end of treatment.  I always stress that you can add more, but you can never take it out.  Botox will typically last you 3-4 months.  When doing Botox for preventative actions, I suggest having injections every 6-12 months.  For women who want to turn back time, every 3-4 months is going to be a good amount of time.  If Botox is not lasting at least 3 months, the person injecting it may be using a small amount or have poor technique.  Sometimes Botox can be over diluted (watered down) which will require more units to effectively work and will end up costing you more money.

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Botox or Dysport

The question for years has been which is better, Botox or Dysport?  A lot of this depends on what your trying to accomplish.  Botox is a very well known brand and does a great job.  Dysport has been out for about 8 or so years and also does a great job, but not as well known as Botox.  The molecular structure of each is slightly different.  Botox has a small extra protein strand attached to it that Dysport does not have. Dysport will tend to have a faster onset (the time it takes to kick in) where as Botox will take about 5-7 days.  The length of time the both last has been argued, but they should both last about 3-4 months.  I do have a few clients that Botox will last up to 6 months on.  I highly recommend trying both and seeing which one will last longer for you, which will save you money in the long run. At the end of the day, Dysport will end up saving you more money, but there are some people who simply respond better to Botox.  Both do the exact same thing in the end.

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So we all read articles and see things on TV about botched procedure in surgery and the cosmetic world.  In fact we are fascinated by other peoples mistakes that we created a reality show based solely on it.    In the area I deal with, which is all non-invasive injectables I have seen my far share of “botched” jobs.  I hate to say it but dermatologist rank the highest for the botched jobs I have had to correct.  Are they great at other things…sure, so lets let them practice what they are great at and keep them away from the face.  In the time I have been doing injections, I have seen everyone getting in on the game of fillers and botox.  In Scottsdale there is such a high demand to look and feel great, so everyone is trying to get in on the game. What you need to know is that if you can easily get in for a “same day appointment” they are most likely not who you should go to for advanced procedures.  I am typically booked out 2 weeks for fillers and all advanced injections, unless I get a last minute cancellation.  Remember that your face is hard to hide, and you get what you pay for.  I find it difficult to treat people who hop from one Groupon to the next, because I can never get an accurate sense of what injections have been done.  Establish yourself with someone you trust so that you can make changes to your treatment to achieve the best possible outcomes. Fillers like Juvederm and Restylane can easily be dissolved.  Radiesse can also be dissolved.  Botox…sorry, but it will have to wear off in 3-4 months.

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PDO Facial Threading

PDO (Polydioxanone) threads have been around for about 10 years.  Many people refer to the use of PDO facial threading as “mini face lift”.  The PDO threads are made of the same material that is used for surgical procedures such as open heart surgery.  These are specially made sutures that have small fine barbs on them to anchor them into place.  There are several different types of threads for different types of applications.  Some are smooth, barbed or twist depending on the results you are trying to achieve. In my practice I use a majority of barbed threads for lifting the facial tissue and giving people a more youthful appearance.  Results can vary widely depending on the skill level of the person performing the procedure and the amount of threads being placed.  I have found that the more threads that are used, the better the results will be. The procedure itself is not painful.  I typically like to inject the area with a small local anesthetic at the place of insertion.  under the skin is numbed to help with patient comfort.  The cannula are placed under the skin to place the thread.  The thread is placed in the proper position and the cannula is removed.  The thread then trimmed and slips under the skin and not visible.   The procedure takes about 45 – 60 minutes.

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Restylane Defyne – New Lip Filler

For many years I was using Juvederm Ultra XC for doing lip augmentation.  I recently started using Restylane Defyne and I have really been liking it.  The feel of it from an injecting standpoint is semi-firm which I like.  Many fillers I have used in the past are too soft and do not hold the shape very well.  I have been switching a lot of my clients over to this product and seeing the results last longer as well.  I have been getting closer to 12 months with this new filler. The only thing I do not like is the cost.  The price Galderma charges for this product is a bit higher which is discouraging, because then I have to charge more.  I have always tried to find the best products for the best prices which will last the longest.  If you have not yet tried Restylane Defyne, I think you will be impressed with the results.

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What type of filler should I use??

A common question I get is… What is a good filler for my lips?  Companies put a lot of money into marketing new products and creating a “Buzz”.  I can honestly say that I have tried every filler out on the market, with the exception of Radiesse (which will cause granulomas) in the lips.  I have tried Voluma thinking that the larger molecule and G-prime would make it last longer, but no such luck.  I have tried Volbella, Belotero, Volure, Juvederm ultra, Juvederm ultra plus, Restylane and none of them lasted very long.  Restylane is by far THE WORST choice for lip filler.  The problem is that it is a very small molecule and spreads out too thin.  Many inexperienced people like Restylane because it is very forgiving if they make a mistake. In the past I used Juvederm Ultra Plus XC, because the drug reps at Allergan told me it is better than regular old Juvederm Ultra.  Guess what…Juvederm Ultra lasts longer.  Why did Allergan tell me to buy more Juvederm Ultra Plus?  Because it is more expensive! I have tried EVERYTHING in my years of injecting and I keep coming back to Juvederm Ultra XC.  Juvederm Ultra is a little stiffer feeling as you inject than Ultra Plus XC.  I have heard that there are some great products in Canada that will be coming down to the US for lips that last a very long time.  I will keep you posted if anything better comes onto the market.

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Botched lips can be fixed

Many times I hear the same concern… “I don’t want Duck lips”.  The intent of this blog is to help put your mind at rest and know that you will have a great outcome with lip fillers.  I have seen some really botched lips over the years, and I am never sure what went so terribly wrong.  I see everything from huge lumps of filler, to uneven lips as well as the wrong products being used. In lips, I prefer to use Juvederm.  I have tried everything from Restylane to voluma, bellotero, volbella.  I keep coming back to Juvederm for lips filler of choice.  I like Juvederm because it tends to last longer in the lips than Restylane.  Restylane is typically used by inexperienced injectors, or people who are not good at performing lip augmentation because it is very forgiving. I will typically numb the lips for about 20 minutes to help make the client more comfortable.  The poe of the needle will still be felt, but should not be too bad.  The thing I hear the most is “that was not as bad as I thought it would be”.  The fear of botched lips keeps many people from getting their lips done.  I also like to remind clients that I keep the size of the lips very “age appropriate”.  Many times men do not want their wife to get their lips enhanced because they see so many bad lip fillers out there.  I can let you rest assure that he will love your new lips as much as you do.  In the worst case scenario the lip filler can be easily dissolved with a special enzyme.  I carry a lot of this medication at my office due to the large amount of botched filler jobs I have fixed.  You would be surprised to hear that plastic surgeons are the ones who typically botch lips.  The problem is that surgeons do surgery all day, not lip fillers like I do.  You will always be better at something that you do a lot of.  As far as lip injections, I have done thousands of lip augmentations and been told I am the best one out there.

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Juvederm or Botox?

Many times people who are new to having procedures done are not familiar with terminology used.  I many times hear people ask for Botox to be placed in the nasolabial folds “Laugh Lines”.  An easy way to remember the difference is that fillers like Juvederm “Fill In” low spots or wrinkles.  Botox works on the muscle to help it not move.  Botox does not paralyze the muscle, but rather weakens it so that it does not temporarily not move.  Botox typically comes in units whereas Juvederm and fillers come in a pre-filled syringe.  Juvederm is a gel like substance, and Botox is a fine powder until mixed with sodium chloride to reconstitute it.  Can you “water down” juvederm or fillers?  Absolutely not.  I have read about people thinking they are getting scammed on juvederm by someone watering it down…impossible.  Can Botox be over diluted and “watered down”…yes!  In my own personal opinion I don’t feel it is morally right to cheat someone out of something if they paid for it, but other shady med spas have no problem doing it.  How do you know if it is watered down?  It is extremely difficult to determine if Botox is over diluted, unless your the one doing it.  This is why it is so important to deal with a reputable office.  A few times I have treated people and they said it didn’t work completely, so I re-treat them at no charge.  Do your homework and find a great place to go, and more importantly people you trust.  I always recommend Yelp for honest reviews or Google+.

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