Restylane Kysse for lips

For many years Restylane Kysse has been used overseas in Europe for lip injections.  Recently Restylane Kysse was approved by the FDA in 2020 for use in the lips for plumping and making fuller lips.  Restylane Kysse is also approved for perioral lines above the lips as well.  Up until now Juvederm has been our favorite filler to use in lips due to its longevity and ability to hold a shape longer.  The makers of Kysse have promised us that this new filler will last 12 months, which we are currently putting to the test.  The nice thing about this filler is that it is very soft and natural feeling.  As far as swelling goes, it is difficult to say if the swelling is less than that of Juvederm or other fillers.  As far as bruising, this all depends on the injector and their technique.

Traditionally in the past, soft fillers would mean that it would not last long in the lips.  Because there is so much movement in the area of the mouth, soft fillers tend break down quicker.  Restylane Silk still remains our least favorite and we do not use it in the lips.  Restylane silk breaks down far too fast and we have many unhappy customers who were talked into Silk at other facilities.

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