PDO Facial Threading

PDO facial threading has become a very popular procedure recently.  This procedure has actually been around for over 10 years, but has again gained traction in aesthetics.  Many years ago the “Threads” were made of a material that did not dissolve.  The new threads are now made of a material called Polydioxanone which dissolves over a period of time.  There are many different types of threads, which all depend on what area of the body you are working on.

The results all depend on the providers experience and training.  Many providers try and use 3 or 4 threads to lift sagging skin.  When I perform a “thread lift” i generally do not like to limit myself on how many threads I use.  I always explain to people that the more threads I use, the better the weight is distributed and not relying on a few threads to hold everything up.  This is one of my favorite procedures because I get such great results.

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