Botox, Dysport, Xeomin or Jeuvveau?

Botox & Dysport…What is it used for and what age should I start?

It might seem hard to imagine there was ever a time before Botox, but it is actually newer than you probably think. Botulinum toxin A has only been used for cosmetic purposes since 1996.  Over the course of its short history, Botox has become a household name.

New applications have also been found for Botox in the cosmetic realm, from scalp injections to keep hair clean and styled longer, to foot injections to help avoid the pain associated with wearing high heels.

Botox is used for treating areas of the face that are prone to developing lines and wrinkles from muscle activity.  Botox will typically last about 3-4 months, depending on the person and their activity level.  We find that people who workout a lot tend to need Botox / Dysport much sooner.  Immediately after the injections you can expect small bumps in the area that the Botox / Dysport was injected.  These small bumps will resolve in about 5-10 minutes as it is absorbed into the muscle.

How long until it begins to work?  Botox will usually start working in 8-10 days, where Dysport will begin working in 3-4 days.  Xeomin and Jeuveau will typically take about a week to start working.  We recommend waiting at least 2 weeks before you see your final results.

Which one will last the longest?  This is a very difficult question to answer, because there are many factors.  Some men have very strong muscles and may need more botox than others.  The more Botox, Dysport, Xeomin ect. that you put in, the longer it will typically last.  When you only use a small amount of Botox, Dysport the results tend to not last as long.  It is a very personal preference regarding how much Botox a person may want, and how much movement they want as well.  Too much Botox or Dysport may tend to have a negative effect by causing the eye lids to become droopy.

What age should I begin Botox or Dysport?  This question should really be – How strong are the muscles?  I have women in their 50’s who have never had Botox or Dysport and they have no wrinkles.  I have women in their early 20’s already developing deep lines, so I goes to show age has nothing to do with it.  I generally recommend around 30 being a good age to start with a small amount.  Women doing Botox or Dsyport in their early 20’s as a means of prevention, I will recommend smaller doses at 6-9 months or even once a year.

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