Botox – Dysport

Botox is great for helping to reduce the lines on the forehead, between the eye brows and around the eyes.  Botox works in the muscle by blocking the impulse going to the muscle which causes it to contract.  When there are strong muscles, it causes micro injuries into the epidermis of the skin which cause lines to form where the muscle squeezes together.  Botox or Dysport will not fill in deep lines or wrinkles, so we suggest a “filler” at the point.  Fillers are gel substances that help plump up sunken areas or deep lines.

What is a good age to start Botox?  It is hard to say exactly what age is appropriate, but we typically recommend around the age of 30.  A lot of this has to do with the strength of the muscles, and not so much about the age of the person.  We have had 20 year old women with very strong muscles, and I have had 60 year old women with no lines and have never had Botox or Dysport before.  When you are younger, we typically recommend Botox every 6-9 months as more of a preventative measure.

Is Botox Safe?  We uses thousands of units every month and have never experienced any severe side effects.  Possible side effects may include a slight headache, blurred vision and flu like symptoms.  These possible side effects only last 24-48 hours and resolve on their own.

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